Complementary Medicine

MMS-Implications to the Status of US Complementary and Alternative Medicine

While the debate over the use of MMS (created by Jim Humble) in the US is taken overseas, surveys show it is likely not getting more supporters. Shown by recent polls published, it is not one of the forms of supplement America is crazy about. There is also an indication that the product has not figured prominently aside from the debates undergoing between Humble and the chemists who are actively fighting over his use of the ordinary bleach in his alternative cure.

Homeopathy or complementary and alternative medicine to the Americans is shown to have 38th % users among adults, 12% among children. It is also validated that Americans who are 35 years old and above, women with higher income are the best supporters of alternative medicine. There is a greater choice for complementary medicine among those affected with eczema (psoriasis) and allergies (hay fever).

Students who have just migrated to the use also have high use of alternative medicine

America’s leading homeopathic cure of choice:

  1. a) Natural Products (non-vitamin and non-mineral
  2. b) Diet Based
  1. herbs and other products( Echinacea, glucosamine)
  2. plant enzymes (flax seeds)
  3. fish oil (omega 3)
  1. Ornish
  2. Atkins
  3. Vegetarian
  4. South beach
  5. Zone diet-
  6. Macro-bio tic diet-
  7. Pritikin Diet

Movement therapies

  1. Pilates
  2. Alexander technique
  3. Felden Krais

Why US adults prefer complementary and alternative medicine:

The population 35 and above among adults with chronic diseases like arthritis pain bats for alternative medicine because symptoms of their diseases have not been responding to conventional methods. With it, there is a feeling of more control over the management of their personal health. This can also be attributed to the amount of time doctors stay with their patients which they say is very limited. Frustrations over conventional medicine and the growth of the internet as an unlimited source for health issues are other factors laid out for the choice of conventional treatment.

The MMS of Hubbel presently will have a hard time penetrating the US market with competing sales because the preference for non-vitamin and non-mineral based cure is the present choice among Americans. Again, the case of packaging that presents MMS to the US market is not convincing enough to the US’ culture of trust. In the internet, MMS sells as a natural cure which to many Americans, natural cure means based on herbs, plants and plant enzymes. Some forms by which it comes as a mineral supplement like IV injectable, IV drifts reminds a user of a conventional treatment he has negative views about.